Kid’s Pizza and Movie Night
Saturday, September 11, the dojo hosted a pizza movie night for the kids in the beginning and intermediate classes.
The night started out at 5:30 pm playing games like tag and dodge ball. Brandon, who helps out teaching the beginning kids, led about five games of dodge ball changing the teams before each game. Everyone who played had a blast, even after they were out for the round.
Once the games were over, it was time for a pizza dinner. This gave the kids a chance to calm down after the games and cool off; many of them were quite sweaty after running around for almost an hour.
The big highlight of the night was watching Kung-Fu Panda, which was started as the kids were finishing up their pizza. Even after all the running and playing they had done, all the kids sat quietly and watched the movie.
The night came to an end around 8:15 pm, right as Kung-Fu Panda finished and everyone ran back to the mat to try out the kung-fu moves they had seen in the movie. Many of the kids didn’t want the night to end and had a hard time accepting that their parents were there to take them home.
The pizza movie night was a big success and something that we will try to do again in the future, both the kids and parents enjoyed the event.
Posted by Sayaka Matsumoto
- Posted in News
Sep, 24, 2010
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