Remodel Week 7
Greetings again to members, friends, and family of EBJI!
Here we are at the end of week 7. I missed last week, there was too much going on. There were a few schedule changes, but shortly before I arrived to take pictures, the city inspector was on site and and gave us the OK to start pouring the concrete. Hopefully this means that this is the last week of pictures just showing the demolition and preparation. I’m hoping to be on site to get some pictures of the concrete being poured!
The front entryway, not much has changed since last time.
Old part of the office where the new sink and toilet will be.
Our new training area, you can see our friend, the old bathroom light, on the right there. You can notice that it looks like there are ‘lines’ on the wall. These are places where earthquake retrofits are going to be happening for stability.
The regular training area from the office. You can see the work on the walls again, and you can also see here (and in the next 2 pics) that edges near the ceilings have been prepared as well.
Back in the old changing area. The toilet from that area has been removed as we prep for the concrete. Still have all the electrical coming down from the ceiling though.
Out the back door. The preparation for the new steps is in place.
I am hoping we actually get to pour concrete next week so that the pictures will be more interesting and we’ll actually see some shape taking place.
Until then, be safe, and hopefully we’ll all be able to be on the mat again soon!
Posted by Daniel Israel
- Posted in News
Sep, 03, 2020
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