Remodel Week 10
Greetings again to members, friends, and family of EBJI!
It’s time for our Week 10 update! It’s been over a week since I took these pictures. My computer crashed, so I had to wait until it was repaired to be able to send the update. The new walls are pretty much up, at least the frames. Some of the coverings have been put in place, but you can now see the size and shape of the spaces. I only took a few pictures and 2 videos. The second video was cut a little short because of the noise. I didn’t want to be in the way as the workmen were moving around, so I just took a few pictures and got out of the way.
This is the [new] wall as you enter the dojo, with the window where the new office is.
This is the new office. The back wall hasn’t been covered yet. This picture is taken from a position right below the new window (in the previous picture)
Unfortunately, my little blog here is showing what a poor photographer I am. I was trying to show the position of the new office door as well as the partially complete wall in the back of the dojo (enlarge to see), but one of the workmen suddenly turned on a power tool that startled me. I’ll be back for better shots
Walkthrough of the back area. You can see how the rooms are taking shape, even though the walls are not completely up.
This is a walk from the back end of the mat area to the front. I was just getting to the point to show the area where the new bathroom will be when the power tools started up again, so I shut off the video. However, you can see where the walls bounding the bathroom will be, and directly behind the bathroom is a storage space that will be accessible from inside the office.
Since this update is a week late due to my computer issues, the next one (for week 11) will probably come in just a few days.
Posted by Daniel Israel
- Posted in News
Oct, 07, 2020
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